The confessions of a found soul

It’s been three years full of boundless suffering, depression and thousands of fake smiles. Three years full of suicidal thoughts that sometimes went awaybut sometimes stayed for weeks and months. People say it’s up to us what life we live. I never trusted them. I’ve been positive about my life, I’ve been depressed because of my life, and at the end, I never really cared about anything. No matter how hard I tried (and I did my best), my life was a complete disaster. I felt unhappy, futile, fed up, tired of eveything. Just because of a single person that once refused my love. And then… something happened. It was one of those moments when you decide you want to change just for the sake of it. You can’t change everything in your life for a week or two. However, you can try to be more positive about everything. To be happy because of the beautiful sunset you’ve just seen. To be thankful for the knowledge your life is full of. To be grateful for every day you have spent with the people you love. Sometimes, things just don’t work because they are not meant to be. After all this time I have found out that it doesn’t really matter if your dreams don’t come true. Sometimes, the purpose of our lost dreams is to show us that life has bigger plans for us. Everybody has a destiny and no matter how hard we try to change it, we’re not able to do so. It’s true that it’s all up to us. If we don’t help ourselves, nobody else could help us. Изображение